このグローバル関数は、MS Windows BMPファイルをピクセルのarray2dにロードします。
#include <dlib / image_io.h>
template < typename image_type > void load_bmp ( image_type& image, std::istream& in ); /*! requires - image_type == an image object that implements the interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h ensures - #image == the image of the MS Windows BMP file that was available in the input stream in. - #image[0][0] will be the upper left corner of the image - #image[image.nr()-1][image.nc()-1] will be the lower right corner of the image - Performs any color space conversion necessary to convert the BMP image data into the pixel type used by the given image object. throws - image_load_error This exception is thrown if there is an error that prevents us from loading the image. If this exception is thrown then #image will have an initial value for its type. - std::bad_alloc If this exception is thrown then #image will have an initial value for its type. !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename image_type > void load_bmp ( image_type& image, const std::string& file_name ); /*! requires - image_type == an image object that implements the interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h ensures - opens the file indicated by file_name with an input file stream named fin and performs: load_bmp(image,fin); !*/